The Psychology Behind Our Love For Jigsaw Puzzles

Why is it that we find jigsaw puzzles so addictive? So engrossing? Let’s take a look at the science behind our love for jigsaw puzzles and explore why they’re so captivating!

Cognitive benefits of jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are a great activity for all ages, providing a number of cognitive benefits, including improved memory, problem-solving skills, and an increased ability to focus.

Jigsaw puzzles challenge our problem-solving skills – 

After completing a jigsaw puzzle, we tend to remember more of the details from the picture than people who didn’t do a puzzle. This is because jigsaw puzzles require us to create a picture in our minds, and by doing so, we’re training our minds to better remember information.

Jigsaw puzzles boost our memory – 

A jigsaw puzzle presents us with a problem to solve: how to fit the pieces together in the correct order. This gives us practice in problem-solving in a less stressful environment and can help improve our analytical skills. A common puzzle strategy is to work from the “outside” in, which means you start with the edges of the puzzle and work your way in, fitting in the pieces along the way.

Jigsaw puzzles boost our ability to focus – 

Focusing on a jigsaw puzzle requires us to narrow down our thoughts to the puzzle at hand and tune out everything else. This can help us to focus better on a daily basis and could be helpful for people who suffer from ADD/ADHD or have trouble staying on task.

Psychological factors behind our love for jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are extremely rewarding when we complete them, which is likely why we find them so compelling. Completing a jigsaw puzzle gives us a sense of accomplishment, which is linked to dopamine, a chemical that is released in our brains that gives us the feeling of pleasure and enjoyment.

A desire to complete puzzles may be linked to our need to feel in control. This is because when we solve puzzles, we feel as though we’ve gained control over the situation at hand, which can lead to a sense of relief. This can be especially helpful for people who have anxiety, or who are perfectionists.

Another psychological factor behind our love for jigsaw puzzles is that they allow us to lose ourselves in the moment. When we’re focusing on a jigsaw puzzle, we lose track of time and are able to forget about our daily stresses. 

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