Tips for Solving Jigsaw Puzzles Faster Like An Expert

Jigsaw puzzles can be done independently, or with a group of friends, family members, or coworkers. They are great for socializing and help us to make new connections. Research suggests that people who do puzzles together are able to have a better connection than those who don’t do puzzles together. This is likely because puzzle-solving requires communication, which can help people open up and make new connections.

Jigsaw puzzles can also help us reduce our anxiety and stress levels, making them a great tool for making new friends, strengthening our current friendships, or finding time to relax.

Here are a few tips for solving jigsaw puzzles faster –

  1. Choose the right size and piece count for your skill level
    Seems logical, right? But some people try to tackle a more difficult puzzle too soon and then lose interest.
  2. Turn all pieces face-side up, so you can see the full images
    This speeds up the process of sorting out all the details. 
  3. Select the perfect puzzle surface
    It really does matter what type of surface you set your puzzle pieces on. Selecting a surface with a contrasting color to the pieces helps you identify puzzle elements faster. 
  4. Have plenty of light
    Overhead lights or lights that don’t cast shadows will help the puzzle features and colors stand out.
  5. Find the border pieces first
    The border pieces will help you understand the shapes and alignment of the rest of the elements and will help you to fit together the rest of the puzzle much easier.
  6. Sort by color or similar designs and images
    This will make finding elements and sections of the puzzle easier. 
  7. Start with the corners
    Once you’ve found the pieces of the border, start with the corners, as they’re usually the most recognizable pieces of the puzzle.
  8. Find any pieces with printed text
    These may include copyright or manufacturer information. Often these pieces are located on the right or left side of the bottom edge.  
  9. Work on small sections at a time
    This helps you focus on one area making it easier to move on to another area. It may also help you eliminate similar-looking pieces.
  10. Don’t give up – Stay motivated
    If you have trouble finding pieces, simply take a break. Often refreshed eyes find the right piece much easier. 

Photo by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay