Jigsaw Puzzles Increase Memory? Is it True? Really?

The impact of jigsaw puzzles on memory

People who complete jigsaw puzzles are able to recall more information, even after only a few minutes, than those who don’t do puzzles. While it’s unclear why this is, it may be linked to their ability to focus better and improve problem-solving skills.

Jigsaw puzzles may help us better recall new information because we have to create a picture in our minds as we work to solve them. This may also explain why jigsaw puzzles are a great tool for teaching children, as they force children to imagine the picture as they put the pieces together.

The type of jigsaw puzzle you do may also impact your ability to recall new information. Research suggests that doing a collage puzzle (a type of puzzle that uses word fragments) could lead to better retention of information, as opposed to doing a picture-based puzzle.

The power of completion and jigsaw puzzles

Completion is tied to achievement, which can be linked to dopamine. This explains why people often feel an overwhelming sense of satisfaction after completing a jigsaw puzzle. The feeling of achievement and completion can last for several hours, and even longer if the puzzle was really difficult!

Completing puzzles can bring us joy for various reasons, including the fact that it’s an accomplishment we can feel proud of. It can also help us to feel less stressed and less worried about other things in our lives.

If you’re looking to get more satisfaction out of your puzzles, you should start by choosing a puzzle set at your current ability. Then as your skills progress, select more challenging puzzles. Remember, your goal is to relax while exercising your memory. It is not to add stress to your day.

The dopamine reward system and jigsaw puzzles

The dopamine reward system is what tells our brains what we should do to feel good. This can explain why puzzles are so rewarding. When we complete a puzzle, our brains release dopamine, which tells us that we are doing something right and we should keep doing it!

The dopamine reward system is responsible for many of our daily activities. This reward system is very helpful during times when we feel stressed or depressed. Puzzles, along with other activities that release dopamine, can be helpful when we need a boost.

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